Club Rules

The following are extracts from the Kells Tennis Club Constitution:

Entrance Fee, Subscription and Green Fees

23. The entrance fee for all Members shall be such sums as the Committee may from time to time determine. The Committee may, for special reasons, temporarily suspend the payment of entrance fees.

The annual subscription for all Members shall be such sums as may from time to time be recommended by the Committee and adopted by a Resolution passed at a General Meeting of the Club and a bare majority of the Members eligible to vote and present and voting at such Meeting shall be sufficient for the adoption of such Resolution. No alteration shall be made in the current rate of subscription except upon the recommendation of the Committee adopted by a Resolution at a General Meeting of the Club convened for the purpose after due notice given as prescribed by these Rules and a bare majority of the Members eligible to vote and present and voting at such Meeting shall suffice for the adoption of such Resolution.

24. No person shall be considered a Member of the Club until the entrance fee and the annual subscription or whatever portion of subscription has been deemed by the Committee applicable to such Member on the date of his or her election as a Member, has been paid.

Visitors to the Club

28. Visitors may use the Club facilities on payment of the appropriate Green Fee. Each visitor submits himself to the Rules of the Club and to all other rules, bye-laws and regulations of the Club.

29. The Committee may as it thinks fit prohibit admission of any visitor to the Club Premises.

Resignation, Suspension and Expulsion of Members

53. Any Member may resign his Membership by giving to the Secretary notice in writing to that effect. Every such notice shall, unless otherwise expressed, be deemed to take effect as from the first day of the month following the receipt thereof.

54. The Committee shall have the power to determine the amount of any outstanding subscription payable by a Member who resigns.

55. The Committee may, for such period as it thinks fit, suspend a Member or visitor from the privileges of the Club, who, in the opinion of the Committee commits a breach of any rule or bye-law or regulation of the Club or is guilty of conduct unbefitting a Member or visitor.

56. If any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be guilty of conduct likely to endanger the welfare or good conduct of the Club or injurious to the Club’s interest, the Committee may, after giving such Member an opportunity of being heard, by a majority of those present and voting, expel such Member whereupon he/she shall immediately cease to be a Member and shall forfeit all rights to or claim upon the Club or its property but shall be entitled to a pro rata of his/her annual subscription.

Alteration of Rules

58. These Rules shall not be repealed or amended nor shall any new Rules be enacted except at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.

59. Notice of any proposed new Rules or of the repeal of, or amendment to existing Rules, for submission to an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose must be sent in writing not later than thirty days preceding such Meeting, to the Secretary, who shall send due notice of same to each Member with the Notice convening the Meeting. A majority of two thirds of the Members present and voting at any such Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be necessary to carry any Resolution to repeal or to amend any of these Rules, or to enact any new Rules.


60. All complaints shall be made in writing to the Committee of Kells Tennis Club whose decision shall be final on the complaint received.


61. All personal belongings of a Member, Visitor, Employees and of all others who are entitled to use the club, brought to, kept at, or left on the premises of the Club shall be at the sole risk of the owner of such personal belongings and the Club Committee shall not be responsible for any loss or damage hereto however arising, but this Rule shall not prejudice any claims by the Club or the owners against Insurance Companies in case of fire or when otherwise covered by Insurance.