
Both Adult and Junior coaching is available at the club. Structured junior coaching programmes are run concurrent with school terms, adult coaching is arranged on a more ad hoc basis based on demand. Individual coaching may be arranged by contacting the coaches directly.

There are currently two authorised coaches in the club, both of whom have Tennis Ireland coaching qualifications, have up to date licenses and are registered with the national coaches association (Tennis Coach Ireland):

Richard Turner 086 852 4410, Level 3 (Tennis Ireland)

Richard has over 20 year’s experience coaching both adults and juniors at all levels, qualifying at level 3 in 2000. He is also a qualified Cardio Tennis Instructor as well as a Special Needs Sports Instructor.

Michal Bryniczka 085 130 Level 2 (Tennis Ireland)

Qualified in 2010 Mike has over 10 year’s experience coaching juniors and adults and is heavily involved in introducing tennis to local primary schools.