
The following is an extract from the Kells Tennis Club Constitution:

Appendix 1

To ensure that the Club is following best practice we shall work closely with our Governing Body in order to promote the best practice in children’s sport. We shall comply with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport in Ireland as set out in Section 2.7 which are:

  • Adopt and implement the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport in Ireland as an integral part of its policy on children in the Club.
  • Have its constitution approved and adopted by club members at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting.
  • Ensure that childrens’ voices are heard in the running of junior sections.
  • Ensure that the Committee is elected or endorsed by registered club members at each Annual general Meeting.
  • Adopt and consistently apply a safe and clearly defined method of recruiting and selecting Sports Leaders.
  • Clearly define the role of the Committee Members, and all Sports Leaders and parents/guardians.
  • Appoint at least one Children’s Officer as outlined in this Code. In the event that a club caters for both boys and girls, one Children’s Officer of each gender would ideally be appointed.
  • Designate the Chairperson to act as a liason with the Statutory Authorities in relation to the reporting of allegations or suspicions of child abuse. Any such reports should be made according to the procedures outlined this Code/Children First/Our Duty to Care.
  • Ensure best practice throughout the Club by disseminating its Code of Conduct, including the disciplinary, complaints and appeals procedures in operation within the Club to all its members. The club’s Code of Conduct should also be posted in all facilities used by the Club.
  • Have in place procedures for dealing with a concern or complaint made to the Statutory Authorities against a Committee Member or Sports Leader who is the subject of an allegation which has been reported to the Statutory Authorities, should stand aside while the matter is being examined. He/she should be invited to resume full duties immediately if he/she is vindicated.
  • Ensure that relevant Sports Leaders report to the Committee on regular basis.
  • Encourage regular turnover of committee membership while ensuring continuity and experience.
  • Develop effective procedures for responding to and recording accidents.
  • Ensure that any unusual activity (high rate of drop-out, transfers etc.) is checked out and reported by the Chairperson to the Governing Body of Sport.
  • Ensure that all club members are given adequate notice of Annual general Meetings and other meetings.
  • Ensure that all minutes of all meetings (Annual General Meetings/Extraordinary General Meetings/Committee) are recorded and safely filed.